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Essay on "Inspiration"
What is inspiration? Inspiration is a state of consciousness when a person is completely overwhelmed by the activity he is engaged in, and he literally begins to create. At that moment, the whole world goes into the background and all that exists for a person - is his activity. In psychology, inspiration is called a state of flow. This state is often inherent in people of creative professions, whether they are musicians, artists or poets.
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and have moments when the notes or words do not add up to a poem or a piece of music. They can wait for days for the right mood to come to them. But when it happens, their hands begin to run on an instrument or bang on the keys of a laptop, bringing something new and beautiful into the world.
I myself have experienced this state many times. It appears as if from nowhere, but also quickly disappears, if only a little noise from the street or from home distracts you. So you need concentration and complete peace in order to catch this feeling. But there are some people, use
professionals who have managed to subordinate inspiration to their work.
I think their secret is discipline. When you can use
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and isolate yourself from distractions and focus on one thing, success is not long in coming. It is through perseverance that these people achieve great heights in their profession.
But perhaps just as important a factor in achieving inspiration, is the love of what you do. When you enjoy every moment of your work, you don't have to wait for inspiration. It already becomes your constant companion.
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